The cost of notarial services is based upon time spent at the rate of £250 per hour, with a minimum fee of £95 with the right to vary the rate in respect of work carried out urgently or a the weekend at your request, in which case an uplift percentage will apply to charges but not disbursement (expenses incurred on your behalf such as apostille and legalization fees or courier fees).
Fixed Fees
In some instances, a fixed fee may be agreed upon with you but the right is reserved to renegotiate the fee or charge at our hourly rate if matters develop unforeseen complications such as more documents, more complex documents, or more persons involved in the transaction.
Expenses Incurred On Your Behalf
You are responsible for all expenses incurred on your behalf, such as fees due to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) or foreign embassies, courier’s fees, legalization agent’s fees, Companies House charges, special postage charges, or search fees in registries where needed.
Data Protection
We are required by law to retain details of the transaction including a copy of the Notarial Act and copies of your personal identification documents in some circumstances indefinitely. It is a term of our agreement that you agree to us retaining all documentation for all Notarial Acts indefinitely. You have been provided with a copy of our Privacy Notice in relation to the retention of personal and special category personal data, The Agreement to this forms part of the contractual agreement between us and does not therefore require your further specific consent.
Consumer Rights
Where you act as a consumer, you have certain legal rights to cancel, where a contract is classed as an “off-premises” contract. Where this is the case, you will be required to waive these rights by requesting early provision of services in writing prior to any services being provided. Where applicable, our Consumer Rights Policy shall form part of the contractual agreement between us.
Payment of fees is due upon presentation of the notarised document, or on presentation of our account, if later.
This includes (non-exhaustively) all checking or work upon any document presented by you, taking instructions either from you or written by you or others, consideration, drafting, liaising with foreign legal advisers, completion of part prepared documents, binding and or sealing of any document and time taken in ensuring compliance with requirements of any foreign jurisdiction.
Professional Advice
Our responsibility is to the integrity of the Notarial Act performed by us on your behalf. My obligation to you is confined to ensuring you understand the nature and purpose of the content of the document concerned and that you intend to be bound by it. It is not our responsibility to provide legal advice as to the effect of the document, in relation to this, you must place reliance upon such advice as may be provided by your own professional advisers either here or in the foreign jurisdiction concerned.
Integrity of The Act
In order to discharge our obligation, we have to be satisfied as to your identity, your capacity, understanding and intent legally to perform it and, in some circumstances, we shall have to insist upon there being a translation. While we shall endeavour to ensure your document in its form and content is fit to achieve its purpose, we are not liable to you if it does not. We must also be satisfied the act is your voluntary act, that there is no fraud, violence or duress involved. If we are not satisfied as to any of the matters referred to in this paragraph, we are obliged to refuse to complete the matter.
Anti-money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime & Antiterrorism Legislation
we are required by law to ensure that we assess each transaction in relation to the possibility of money laundering, proceeds of crime and terrorism. To enable us to do this we will need to check your identity, address, the source of funds, their destination and the nature of the transaction. we are not able to simply “certify your signature” on a document.
​​​​​​​​Foreign & Commonwealth Office and/or Consular Legalisation
Some countries require a document to be “legalised”. This is the process by which the relevant state agency confirms that our seal and signature are those of an appropriately qualified and authorised Notary Public for England and Wales. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office attach an apostille to the document. Sometimes the document then has to go to the London Embassy of the country to where the document will be sent. The Embassy will then attach its own certificate to the document. The FCO and Embassies charge fees for their involvement and you are responsible for payment of such fees. Your lawyer may advise you of the need for legalisation. If not, you should ask him or her about it. we are able to obtain the necessary legalisation, providing you have provided the funds to enable us to do so, and we shall discuss with you the timescale and whether we should use legalisation agents or couriers if speed is required. However, you may arrange legalisation yourself if you wish.
Record Keeping
All notaries are required to maintain a record of transactions completed by them. we shall also retain a copy of any notarised document and evidence of your identity in our protocol.
To the extent that we are permitted by law to do so, but not further, we limit our liability to you to the amount of our account for professional services. In no case shall our liability to you exceed £1,000,000.
Under the circumstances shall we be liable for any loss (direct or indirect) sustained as a result of the loss or delay of documents once placed in the hands of the Post Office, FCDO, courier service or any third party?
Relevant Law
The relevant law governing our contract with you is the law of England and Wales; any dispute shall be decided exclusively by the courts of England and Wales.