​As part of the process of accepting instructions from a client we are required to ensure that we properly identify the persons appearing before us so we will need to see some form of photo identification.
driving license
National ID Card
AND a recent (less than 3 months old) original (NOT an internet download or scanned copy) document showing the person’s current address:
utility bill dated within the last 3 months
bank/building society statement dated within the last 3 months
vehicle registration document,
TV license renewal document for the current year
mortgage statement for the current year
benefit book
household insurance certificate for the current year
tenancy agreement current
​HMRC letter dated within the last 3 months

Please note that changes of name must be supported by a marriage/civil partnership certificate or deed poll.
We are also required to keep copies of this information.
Where a transaction is to be carried out by a limited or public limited company, the instruction must also be supported by similar evidence in relation to officer(s) of the company who is/are appearing before me but, is also likely that we will also need to see evidence that the company is empowered to undertake the transaction as well as a resolution of the directors authorising it and appointing the person(s) appearing before me as the representative of the company to execute the document. In addition, we will need to make searches on the Companies House register.
We will not advise clients on the effect of the documents which we are asked to authenticate so you must obtain independent advice from a competent source as to the nature and purpose of transaction you are entering into. This is normally from foreign lawyers based in the country where the document is to be used. Where documents are in foreign languages we may have to ask for a translation and this will incur additional cost.